
Autumn 1

Settling into Nursery and learning all about ourselves, our families and Autumn.

This half term we have been welcoming our new Nursery children. They are all settling into Nursery well and are having fun exploring all the things we have to do. We have joined Collective Worship with the main school, Had a walk into the big playground and seen the library bus. We have explored our garden area and had messy fun in the mud kitchen. We have learnt each others names and have started to make friends.

We have started to talk about ourselves, our bodies and how we have grown from a baby to a child. We have also talked about our families. Many of the children shared photos of themselves as a baby so we could talk about how they are different now. We also looked at the children family photos so they could tell us who was important to them and so that we could see how everyone’s family is different.

We measured ourselves to see who was taller and shorter, we measured our feet to see how they differ in size. We have made paper plate and pancake faces. We learnt the names of different parts of our bodies and we enjoyed PE where we have learnt to use and move different parts to music.

We have also noticed that the weather is changing outside as it is becoming Autumn. We have been finding out what this means and how it looks and feels. We have been exploring leaves, conkers and acorns and completing lots of Autumn craft.