
Spring 1

This half term we have been finding out about people that help us, we have been learning about the jobs these people do, the uniforms they where and the vehicles they drive. We have had some wonderful visits from the Police, the fire service and some Paramedics. We were able to try on the uniforms, use their special equipment and sit in the Police car, fire engine and Ambulance. We used the fire fighters hose and thermal camera and we used a heart monitor and oxygen mask of the Paramedics. We have learnt so much and been very inspired by people working in brave and helpful job roles.

Our Power of reading text this half term was ‘What the ladybird heard’ We have learnt lots of lady bird facts and enjoyed finding out about farms and farm animals. We had a visit from a wonderful petting farm one morning. We met a Pony, 2 Sheep, a dog, some rabbits and guinea pigs and 2 ferrets.

Our RE learning this half term has been the story of Noah. We have made our own floating arks and practiced balancing animals 2 by 2 on them until they sank. We found out that at the end of the Bible story God sent a rainbow to Noah as a promise. We have been busy making rainbows and learning about all of the colours in one.

What a busy and Fun half term we have had!