Uniform Expectations
School Uniform and PE Kit
Dear Parents and carers,
Our uniform is smart and simple, and we expect all children to be in correct school attire each day.
Below sets out what children should wear to school:
Jade Sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
White polo shirt, shirt or blouse (logo optional)
Black or grey trousers (full length), pinafore dress, skirts or tailored shorts
Jade ‘gingham’ summer school dress
Sensible black, flat soled shoes or boots
School recommends that parents/carers provide:
- A book bag
- Water bottle
School Sweatshirts and Cardigans can be purchased at Birds Sport and Outdoor Centre in Dereham
On PE days, children should come to school in:
- Plain white t-shirt (or school polo shirt if you do not have a t-shirt)
- Plain shorts or
- Plain leggings/joggers
- Trainers
- Black or navy tracksuit for colder months. School jumpers can be worn over the t-shirt/polo shirt instead
Children with long hair must tie it back. Plimsolls/trainers are required for outside games.
Please make sure all uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name
Wearing of Jewellery
The School Policy on wearing jewellery in school is in line with the LEA recommendations and the National PE Guidance document for PE lessons.
We strongly discourage the wearing of any jewellery, including watches, to school.
If a child arrives at school with jewellery viewed as unsafe for general school activities, then they will be asked to remove it.
PE Lessons
Earrings must be removed for PE lessons.
We will inform parents of when each class has PE lessons.
Earrings must be removed at home or your child will not be allowed to participate in gymnastics and games lessons.
If your child has had their ears pierced recently and are within the six week healing period, then the earrings need to be ‘made safe’. Micro-pore tape may be used to cover the ears and parents must apply this.