
Our School adapts and personalises PSHE and RHSE so that the content matches our school ethos/values and Behaviour Policy. Our Growth Mindset ethos permeates throughout our school and you can often hear our children saying ‘ You can’t do it YET! or Never give up !’ 

The Jigsaw scheme of work is used as a “Platform” and teachers can add in stories, websites and design their own activities to personalise it for their class and our school.


Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach with all year groups working on the same theme [Puzzle] at the same time.  The themes are differentiated and age appropriate so that a theme taught in Nursery will have different learning experiences, knowledge and vocabulary to the same theme taught in Year 2.

There are six themes and they are taught in sequence [one theme is taught each half term];

  1. Being me in my world
  2. Celebrating Difference [including anti bullying]
  3. Dreams and Goals
  4. Healthy Me
  5. Relationships
  6. Changing Me [including age appropriate Sex Education].

The first puzzle piece “being me in my world” is about settling into a new class, rules, expectations etc and is taught during their first week in their new class [September]. The other puzzle pieces have weekly lessons.

PSHE is taught in a variety of different ways and teachers can select and adapt resources and activities to meet the needs and interests of their own class. These are some of the ways the themes can be taught;

  • Through class and group  discussions
  • Philosophy
  • by making music and singing
  • through using the imagination by using stories and drama
  • by creating and making [pictures, models etc]
  • through reflection and mindfulness
  • working as a team or with a partner
  • working individually


By the time children leave our school they will:

  • be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society
  • be able to explain how and why they need to keep their bodies fit and healthy and know how this is important for their future health and well being
  • be aware of how and why they need to keep themselves and others safe [stranger danger, water safety, medicine safety etc].
  • be aware that we live in a world shaped by difference and diversity
  • be  able to name, understand and manage their emotions and know that emotional literacy will be important for their relationships and well being.
  • be able to suggest ways to look after their mental health and well-being
  • be able to say how they develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers, family and the wider community
  •  understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level
  •  have respect for themselves and others and to be aware that this will be important in future relationships and friendships
  •  have a positive self esteem and resilience to “go for their goals” but recognise that hard work and effort will be needed in achieving their ambitions throughout their lives

Nursery Medium Term Plans

Reception Medium Term Plan

Year 1 Medium Term Plans

Year 2 Medium Term Plans