Collective Worship


Autumn Term


Spring Term

Peace & Self-Control

Summer Term


Belonging New Beginnings Being Kind
What’s special to me Peace Saying Sorry
Harvest Making Choices Compassion
Friendship Courage Helping
Stories of Jesus Miracles Jealousy Generosity
Saying Thank you Prayer Patience
Remembering Perseverance Sharing
Celebrations Trust Friendships
Festivals Relationships Stories of Jesus Parables
We are all different Hope Celebrating different cultures
Advent Easter Achievements
Christmas Story Easter Changes
Christmas Story Easter Leaving


The 4 elements of our Collective Worship are Gathering, Engaging, Responding and Sending.

Children regularly participate in the planning and leading/delivering of Collective Worship; choosing/writing prayers, selecting hymns, discussing the theme and how it relates to their own experiences and Christian values.

Children are involved in the evaluation of Collective Worship; responding by sharing their views and discussing what it meant to them.

Below are some examples of how the children have had an input into where to gather and some responses when evaluating Collective Worship. Please click on the links above (in the Collective Worship table) to see how children have had an input and responses from other children during the Collective Worship.

SIAMS July 2019

Collective worship is seen as central to the life of the school.

Opportunities for prayer and reflection are powerful.