Another busy session for the School Gardening Club – 16 Year 1 and 2 Members planted Mixed Salad Leaves and Tomato Seeds in modular trays to start off in the Greenhouse before planting their own Salad leaves to grow at home. There was a little bit of time left at the end so everyone got busy with tidying up jobs.

It was great to be out in the School Garden again and we welcomed Mrs Penny Donmall to our Team of Adult Gardeners. It was a very busy session which started with the planting of Sweet Peas in Modular Trays to grow for the 2014 Miracle Grow Chelsea Flower Show Competition – go to the Schools Section at for all the details. The next job was to plant Beetroot seeds in Modular Trays for School and in individual pots to take home to grow. Finally, while some of the Year 2 Members scattered Corn Poppy seeds in the Reflective Area (in remembrance of the fallen, wounded and those who lost their lives in WW1 – a Norfolk County Council initiative) the rest of the Gardening Team got busy sweeping, raking and tidying up the School Garden.

Gardening Club welcomed 15 out of the 19 new Year 1 Members today as well as the older Year 2 Members. Although cold, it was dry and light enough to work outside. Whilst the Year 2’s were planting some Daffodil Bulbs on the field (adding to the Spiral which they started last year), the Year 1’s enjoyed playing a Tool Safety Game before making a Mr Cresshead to take home and grow (with an instruction sheet) .