Year 2

 Welcome to our Year Two page…

This page will tell you what we have been learning about and all the exciting things we have been doing in Year Two. We will update this page with exciting class news, and photos of our learning. Please keep checking this page to find out about and see all the exciting things that we have been doing in Year Two.

Year 2 Newsletter Autumn 1

Year 2 Newsletter Autumn 2

Year 2 Newsletter Spring 1

Year 2 Newsletter Spring 2


Great Fire of London workshop

In history, the children are learning all about The Great Fire of London. We had a great time creating Tudor houses with our grown ups to re-create Pudding Lane. We were especially excited when Mr Brooks set one house on fire and we watched as the fire spread!

World book day

Year 2 have had so much fun for world book day, look at our amazing outfits!

Writing cafe

Year 2 children really enjoyed their writing café where they had the chance to take part in spelling, handwriting and sentence building activities. The children played Boggle and Jenga with year 2 common exception words. They explored using different tools to write into sand and used chalk to practice their handwriting on the playground. The children also challenged themselves to add suffixes to root words! They were all super stars at practicing their writing skills, well done year 2!

Picasso inspired self-portraits

During the spring term, the children have learnt all about the artwork of Picasso. They explored the idea of cubism by using photos of their own faces from different angles and distorting these.

Power of Reading

Year 2 have really loved hearing a new story called ‘The dark’ during Spring 1. In the story, the main character is frightened of the dark. The children have responded to the story by drawing their own representations of the dark and using synonyms to describe dark. They have also created their very own glow jars to help anyone who is scared of the dark. Look how amazing the glow jars are!

Science learning

During Spring 1, the Year 2 children are learning all about our bodies and the importance of keeping our bodies healthy. The children loved their science lesson learning all about the heart and the vital role it plays. The children put on their lab coats and investigated a real pig’s heart. They drew it first and then had the opportunity to hold it.

Reading comprehension workshop

Thank you to all the adults who were able to join year 2 for their reading comprehension workshop, the children had a great time. Please find below the information shared on the day.

Oxford owl also provides really useful information to support with reading comprehension at the following link.


The children are currently learning all about plants within their Science lessons. Last lesson, they investigated sunflowers using a magnifying glass. They discussed where the seeds are in a sunflower and how seeds are created.

Local walk

Year 2 were very excited to take a walk around the local area to help their learning in Power of Reading and Science. They used ID charts to help them identify and names the different trees they found. The children didn’t let the rain stop them!