
We are so proud at DCINA to have Eco-Warriors at our school! We have one child from each KS1 and Reception Class to represent the school and they were carefully selected by the children in their class. Our 6 Eco-Warriors meet regularly with Miss Reeve to discuss ways to help care for the environment.

Take a look at some of the projects we have completed so far…

Community Litter Pick

On Saturday 5th October 2024, a few of our children joined Dereham Community Litter Pickers to help tidy up Dereham. The children had such a great time using litter pickers to find rubbish. We managed to collect so many bags that Co-op kindly lent us a trolley to put it in!

Local litter pick

On Tuesday 14th January, the Eco-Warriors went on a walk around the local area collecting litter. We discussed why litter was bad and the impact it would have on the environment.

‘No Parking Please’ Poster Competition

During one of our Eco-Warrior meetings we discussed how lots of cars were parking outside our school which was making it dangerous at drop off and pick up times. We decided to run a competition. We invited every class in the school to design a poster encouraging people to walk or cycle to school. We then had a meeting where we judged the posters and chose one winner from each year group. All of the posters were then displayed on our school fence.

Taylor Wimpey Road Safety Donation

Taylor Wimpey very kindly donated the school some road safety equipment. They gifted us a high vis jacket for every child and a reflective wristband and keyring. The Eco-Warriors met with Taylor Wimpey to thank them for their kind donation.


On the 24.1.25 we went outside and looked at some of our planters outside Diamond Class. We worked as a team we pull out any old weeds and replaced them with some lovely new plants. We were very proud of the ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos!