PE & Sport Provision

Dereham PE and Sports Premium Funding Report – please see Governors tab

At Dereham Church Of England Infant and Nursery Academy, we will be promoting the benefits of an Active Lifestyle which is important in improving our children’s attendance, class functioning and retention whilst also helping to maintain a healthy body that will reduce diseases in later life such as heart problems and Type 2 diabetes.

The PE and Sport programme we deliver will also impact on our children’s wellbeing giving them a more positive self esteem. Being part of a team will not only help with communication and language but the children will start to develop good skills in problem solving and positive social behaviour such as leadership and responsibility will emerge.

Our School ensure  that the staff delivering PE are suitably qualified and our programme of study offers a broad range of Out of Schools hours Sports Clubs in order to meet the needs of all pupils.

DCINS has become a Member School to the West Norwich & Dereham School Sport Partnership. This provides more opportunities for our children to participate in Competitions and Festivals throughout the year. We have entered teams in the following Sports; Gymnastics / Cross Country / Football/ Athletics and also will attend an ‘adapted Sports Festival’ with children who have not previously engaged in this type of activity.

We assess PE using a scheme of work called Jasmine PE. This assesses children against six areas: Creative, Cognitive, Health and Fitness, Physical, Social and Personal.

competition policy

During Spring 1, all of the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have enjoyed an Archery session. All children were determined to have a go at this new sport and encouraged each other to try their best.

Healthy Minds

As part of our PE curriculum, we understand that not only is it important to keep our bodies healthy but our minds as well. Therefore we regularly encourage our children to take part in movement and mindfulness breaks throughout the day to allow themselves to regulate themselves ready for the next lesson. We also invite external providers into school. Recently we have all taken part in a Well-being Slime Workshop, where every child has made a soothing slime as part of sensory development. We have also invited Calm Cats in, who led a 5 senses well being workshop which allowed the children to focus specifically on different parts of their bodies.

Cross Country Competition

Well done to our team of 15 pupils that took part in the Year 1 and 2 cross country competition. One of our year 1 boys came 1st out of 67 runners. 

A super achievement.