At DCINS we promote an environment where all children feel accepted and valued as individuals; we enable the children to make their own informed decisions and have the confidence to voice their views. We work with the children to enable them to ask questions, reflect on their own beliefs and respond to what they discover. As a school, we teach RE though enquiry-based learning where children are encouraged to answer a range of key questions through class discussions, exploring artefacts and creative activities. Following a multi-disciplinary approach, the children explore one key question each half term, through Philosophical, Theological and Human and Social Science lenses, which develops and embed their prior knowledge. Religious Education develops children’s spiritual, social and cultural awareness. Children are encouraged to discuss their own personal beliefs and opinions whilst showing respect for the beliefs of others.
We use the Norfolk agreed syllabus for Religious Education as a basis of our curriculum. At Dereham Church Of England Infant and Nursery Academy we study the following religions:
- Christianity
- Judaism
- Humanism
Religious Education is taught in weekly blocks over five half terms. At the beginning of each RE week, teachers pose a ‘big question’, which follows an enquiry approach. Interactive, practical activities encourage children to discuss their ideas and build on their previous learning.
Whole school Collective Worship sessions are delivered daily. We are also extremely lucky that members of the local Church, St Nicholas, regularly visit our school.
We aim to provide first hand experiences wherever possible within our Religious Education teaching, for example:
- Visiting religious places of worship [physically and through videos]
- Handling religious artefacts
- Exploring scared texts
- Responding to images
- Discussing religious beliefs as a class
- Leading and participating in Collective Worship
At Dereham Church Of England Infant and Nursery Academy the children develop an understanding of why people choose, or choose not to follow a religion.
Through their RE learning children will:
- Make links between their own lives and the lives of others, acknowledging the diversity, religions and beliefs of their local community.
- Explore how they might contribute to their community and to the wider society, encouraging empathy, generosity and compassion.
- Extend their knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs whilst developing respect for others including people of different faiths and beliefs.
- Discuss challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, developing their knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions and religious traditions.
- Develop their religious vocabulary and use confidently in discussions.
- Develop confidence in sharing their own thoughts, views and beliefs, and know that they are valued.
- Build their sense of identify and belonging, helping them flourish within their community.
The implementation of our RE curriculum, prepares pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It helps children and young people become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. Children will leave our school with the knowledge, skills and understanding to discern and value truth and goodness, strengthening their capacity for making moral judgements and for evaluating different types of commitment to make positive and healthy choices.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE lessons. Any parent or carer who wishes to discuss our RE curriculum or Collective Worship, should make an appointment to meet with our RE curriculum lead.
RE long term plan
Nursery medium term plans
Reception medium term plans
Year 1 medium term plans
Year 2 medium term plans