
Coding Club

Coding Club runs on Tuesday lunchtimes. During Autumn 2, the club was open to children in Year 2. During Spring 2, the club was open to children in Year 1. During the club, the children will use Scratch Jr to program their own memory games, attached felt tip pens to a Beebots and then programmed it to draw different pictures and use different technological toys to complete different challenges!

Safer Internet Day 2025

This year we celebrated the Safer Internet Day 2025 theme ‘Too good to be true?’ and explored online scams. We discussed how people may try and steal our personal information online and therefore we discussed what we should and shouldn’t share on the internet. The children also thought about who their trusted adults are for advice for staying safe online. Some of the activities we completed included: Drawing our trusted adults, completing the Safer Internet Day 2025 mat, sorting cards into two categories – personal information and not personal information and a matching card game of personal information icons.

KS1 Coding ClubAutumn 2/Spring 1 2024-25

Free online coding games to play at home!

Please find below a few links to some of the coding games we play during coding club. There is also a couple of free apps listed below which we also use. Happy coding!

Code Monkey*MTIyNjA5Njc1Mi4xNzMzODM3OTMw

RodoCodo –

Minecraft: Voyage Aquatic Coding

J2Code JIT – Draw a picture, upload and use AI to make it come to life!

Scratch Jr App

Beebot App

Intent Statement

At Dereham Church Of England Infant and Nursery Academy we recognise that technology is all around us and want to ensure that all of our children leave us being able to recognise what technology is, how we use it and being able to recognise the significance of technology in our everyday lives. All of our lessons are carefully planned to enable children to learn how to use technology in a positive, productive, meaningful and safe way.

We achieve this through planning computing lessons with three strands in mind:

Computer Science – The study of computers as machines and learning how they work. Through computer science we will learn the knowledge and skills to program, code, debug and create algorithms.

Digital literacy – Through digital literacy we will learn the knowledge and skills related to online safety and technology uses.

Information technology – Organise knowledge of how computers are used purposefully.

We are committed to ensuring that children become independent at keeping themselves safe online. We achieve this through revisiting the concepts throughout all units and following our ICT Code of Conduct.

We believe children learn best when they are hands on and working practically. Therefore, we provide many opportunities for children to use iPads, computers, program Beebots and create animations on applications such as Scratch Junior. To support our children in understanding how technology can be used in many ways we have also integrated computing into all areas of learning. Children at DCINS can use iPads for Maths learning, literacy learning to research and write fact files and in science to create weather reports. Within an ever-challenging technological world, our vision is that every child leaves with lifelong skills and become masters of technology, supporting them with their future careers and goals.

Implementation Statement

Computing is taught every half term and starts in Nursery all the way through to Year 2. We feel it is important for children to access technology consistently so they can build upon prior learning and acquire new knowledge of the many different uses of technology. Children in EYFS will begin learning about what technology is, understanding its purpose in their lives and how to use it safely. This will be achieved through discussions and guided practical application. This is built on in Key Stage One where children will begin to use technology for different purposes. Internet Safety is an integral part of our curriculum and therefore every year group will start Autumn 1 with an internet safety unit. Nursery will begin understanding how to use technology safely in Spring 1 once they have gathered an understanding of the vocabulary that will be used. We also annually take part in Safer Internet Day to ensure that these concepts are revisited during the year. Our internet safety units will revisit how to stay safe online and will be planned to ensure that our E-safety is relevant to the times and draws upon current issues surrounding the internet and children’s uses of technology. Medium term plans have been created for every half term which outline the key skills, knowledge and vocabulary that should be taught, ensuring that there is clear coverage. Guide books have been created or downloaded for certain programs that we use such as Scratch Jr and Purple Mash to ensure that every teacher feels confident to model, support and challenge our learners. Every child in Reception and KS1 is provided with their own login to Purple Mash and our KS1 children will also have a Maths Whizz login, allowing them to be independent with username and password skills. Despite computing being taught as a discrete subject, we actively encourage cross-curricular links to enhance children’s understanding of how technology can be used in different ways.

Impact Statement

Our aim is that our curriculum will provide our children with a balanced and healthy love for technology. We strive for all of our learners to understand the many uses of technology, how to stay safe online and with the vocabulary and skills to become confident users. Children will be provided with the opportunities to become problem solvers and critical thinkers, allowing them to make their own digital choices. Our curriculum aims to provide our learners with the knowledge, skills and e-safety understanding that will allow them to succeed in the ever-changing digital world and to continue their computing journey in Year Three.

Long Term Plan

Nursery Medium Term Plans

Reception Medium Term Plans

Year 1 Medium Term Plans

Year 2 Medium Term Plans