PE Intent Statement

At DCINS, we strongly believe that supporting children’s physical and mental wellbeing is fundamental to developing happy and healthy children. During their time with us, children will become increasingly competent and confident individuals. We offer opportunities for personal challenge, as well as team competition, and support children to deal with successes and disappointments. As well as improving their physical health and skills, our PE curriculum develops emotional wellbeing and resilience and embeds key values such as fairness and respect.

We believe PE is an excellent way to offer every child time and space to grow in confidence and develop social skills to use both in school and the wider community. We aim to give every child the opportunity to develop their whole-self through a multi-ability holistic approach. For this reason, the PE curriculum at DCINS aims to inspire all pupils to succeed and challenge themselves. We want to encourage lessons, and other opportunities that are ENGAGING, ACTIVE and INCLUSIVE.

PE Implementation Statement

The PE curriculum at DCINS is taught through JASMINE- REAL PE, which is in-line with the National Curriculum, and is used to aid teaching staff in their subject knowledge and planning of PE. The Long Term PE Curriculum Overview sets out the PE Units/Activities which are to be taught each half term for the academic year. Teachers are given a clear expectation of what is expected for each year group but are also given the freedom to adapt the lessons to children’s individual needs. KS1 are provided with 2 PE lessons each week, whilst EYFS has one lesson, in addition to their outdoor time every day. Our curriculum focuses on developing the fundamental movement skills required for them to go on to enjoy a range of sporting activities. Opportunities for all children to be physically active for sustained periods of time are encouraged as well as making children aware of the importance of leading healthy, active lives and making informed lifestyle choices. Lessons across the year consist of 12 fundamental skills as well as additional dance, gymnastics and sport based lessons. The lessons also encourage a selection of qualities and skills to support their future learning in Physical Education, these include; personal, social, creative, cognitive, physical and health & fitness. Children are given the opportunity to practise skills over consecutive lessons, with skills being applied in different games and experiences, allowing them time to embed it. Each fundamental skill and ‘Cog’ are recapped and developed upon across, the years, allowing children to reach their own personal potential.

We aim to offer healthy competition throughout the year with termly interschool events, such as speed bounce, ball passing and a balance competition. There is also an EYFS and KS1 Sports Day held at the end of each academic year. With support from West Norwich and Dereham School Sports Partnership we invite children from across the school to sports festivals at several external sporting venues. These are a great opportunity to both practise/learn skills, as well as introduce them to future competitive sports events. We have had coaching opportunities for cricket and football, which have provided fun and innovative experiences for our children. We also aim to enhance experiences offered within school with a range of afterschool sport clubs across the year. The children have been given the opportunity to engage in Cheerleading, Multi-sports, Glow Disco, Olympic Sports, Outdoor Games, Running, Bounce and Zumba!

PE Impact Statement

We have achieved the Norfolk PE Sporting Stars Bronze award and are working towards the silver award. Physical activity and competitive sport is a priority in our school as it provides children with the opportunity to achieve their personal best. We help motivate our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness. We link our physical health with our mental health and use this to encourage positive growth mind sets and well-being.

The implementation of our curriculum ensures that:

  • Children will achieve age related expectations in PE.
  • Children will build character building and develop qualities that will support them in many areas of their school life and beyond.
  • Children will enjoy being active, seeking additional opportunities through extra-curricular activities and playtime games.
  • Children will enjoy PE lessons and will be engaged every lesson.
  • Children will show a good understanding of healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Children will use fitness and sports to improve their physical and mental health throughout their lives.

Most importantly, when children leave Dereham Church Infant and Nursery school they are equipped with the necessary skills and desire to keep active throughout their lives.



Year 1

Year 2