
Maths Intent

At Dereham Church Of England Infant and Nursery Academy, we believe that Maths is essential in everyday life. It is a key component to succeeding in the modern world and plays a vital role in a child’s understanding of other subjects.  Therefore, we aim for all of our children to develop a love of numbers, secure number sense and conceptual understanding.

Maths Implementation

We follow a mastery-based approach to Mathematics.  This involves using the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract method (CPA). We use this approach to give our children many first hand experiences using a wide range of manipulatives and a variety of representations. Children are encouraged to use pictures and jottings alongside formal written methods to record.

Our Maths lessons are fun, practical and engaging. Children learn from making mistakes and are encouraged to break down problems into simpler steps in order to problem solve effectively.

Communication is at the heart of our whole school curriculum and we use subject-specific language to articulate, justify, explain, convince and reason. New mathematical vocabulary is taught throughout the school through key questions and maths talk. We understand the importance of using this vocabulary confidently and fluently to understand the area that is being taught and to be able to make rich connections across other areas of the curriculum too.

Maths meetings take place regularly in every class and are fun and interactive. Each meeting involves singing, chanting and counting. These sessions help children to recall facts and develop their mathematical fluency, enabling them to build upon, deepen and embed their learning. Year 1 and Year 2 children also have access to Maths Whizz, an online maths tutor both in school and at home. This allows children further opportunities to revisit knowledge and skills. 

In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 White Rose Maths is used to inform planning. This has a strong focus on number, place value and the four operations.

As well as celebrating Number Day each year, we also host numerous maths story cafes and maths workshops. Each of these events help to instill a love of maths within the child and provide the opportunity for parents/carers to see the methods and strategies used at the school; allowing parents to support their child’s development in maths

Maths Impact

Children’s progress in maths is regularly reviewed using White Rose end of unit assessments and regular teacher assessments.  Our teachers also take part in regular internal and external moderation to ensure progress across all year groups and the validity of the assessments.

Developing a secure number sense and conceptual understanding allows our children to be confident and resilient mathematicians that are ready for their next stage of learning.

Reception Medium Term Plans

Year 1 Medium Term Plans

Year 2 Medium Term Plans