Welcome to the Dereham Church Of England Infant and Nursery Academy website. The website is designed to provide you with information about our school to help you learn and understand what our school is like, as well as information we are legally required to include.
We are very proud of how our school supports and nurtures each individual child to achieve as highly as they can in whatever they do. Our friendly, dedicated and professional staff and governors work extremely hard to provide a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment in which our children happily learn.
We aim for everyone in our community to develop their whole self as an individual, enjoy learning and strive to reach their full potential.
SIAMS July 2019 said
Expectations for learning are high and there is a culture of continuous improvement. Strong emphasis is placed on building a learning environment which is safe and happy.
School Mission Statement
Develop Challenge Inspire Nurture Succeed
Develop our children as confident individuals with an appreciation of the Christian faith
Challenge our children in order for them to reach their full potential
Inspire our children through a creative and stimulating curriculum to have enquiring minds and be independent learners
Nurture our children in an environment that supports and promotes well being
Succeed in fostering creative, considerate, confident individuals
Upcoming Events
Mon 3rd March
Year 1 Writing Cafe @ 1.30pm
Wed 5th March
Year 2 Writing Cafe @ 1.30pm
Fri 7th March
World Book Day
Fri 7th March
Bingo @ 7pm
Thurs 13th March
Spring Term Parent Evening 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Fri 14th March
Science Day (in class activities)
Wed 19th March
Year 1 visit to Blickling Hall children to come dressed as Kings, Queens or servants
Fri 21st March
Red Nose Day – letter to follow
Thurs 27th March
Spring Term Parent Evening 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Fri 28th March
Year 2 World War 2 Day children to come dressed in evacuee costume – Year 2 parents/carers invited for Street Party @ 1.30pm
Wed 2nd April
Easter Service @ 9.15am St Nicholas Church
Fri 4th April
Year 1 Parents to join phonics session
Thur 24th April
Year 2 Trip to Time & Tide Museum – children to come dressed in evacuee costume
Thur 12th June
Tempest Class Photos
Fri 27th June
Reception visit to the Theatre
Autumn term Attendance
Winning Class whole of Autumn term 2024/2025
Topaz 93.35%
Whole Year Attendance 2023/2024